Short Bus conversions are rising in popularity due to their overall size, ease of conversion and low purchase price.
You can often find a Short Bus for sale between $3,000 & 10,000. This allows those with a smaller budget to get something relatively inexpensive that they can convert at much lower entry point.
Let’s take a look at some short bus conversions so that you can get an idea of just how awesome these types of RVs can be.
Hopefully you will be able to gather some inspiration from some of the examples below and even share your own short bus conversion project down the road.
11 Short Bus Conversion Examples
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5 Advantages To Short Bus Conversions
1. More Living Space
Depending on the size of bus you decide to purchase for your conversion project you will most likely come out ahead on living space. To get the same amount of space in an RV or travel trailer you would be spending a lot more money.
2. Increased Safety
Buses can be much safer than a travel trailer or RV. They are built with the safety of children in mind and they are very solidly constructed.
3. Easy to Customize
Once seats have been removed and the floor has been resurfaced you are left to start with a clean slate. From here you can create any type of floor plan you want relatively quickly. Some Bus conversions simply bring in furniture and a few common camping items. It really depends on how much work you want to do and what you can dream up.
4. More Storage Space
Storage space in an RV can be a big problem and it’s one of the most sought after features. Buses do not have this problem since they are already outfitted with a large amount of compartment space.
5. Mechanical Experts
This is a huge advantage over other types of recreational vehicles. Many RV models require the expertise of a mechanic that is trained to work on that particular type of brand and model. This is not the case when it comes to buses. They are built much more standard and your average local diesel mechanics will most likely be able to fix whatever issue you are experiencing. This can also bring down maintenance costs.
Conclusion on Short Bus Conversions
There are a lot of short bus owners that document their projects online whether it be through Pinterest, Instagram or their own personal website. We recommend following some of these individuals and even reaching out to them if you have questions. Many people are happy to talk about their project and to even provide you with tips and tricks. Be sure to ask them about things they learned and what you should avoid before you start your own short bus conversion.