Going on a road trip with your trusted RV sounds like a great idea. There’s a whole new world of sights and sounds on the road. Most of all, you experience the world in a fresh, unique way.
But traveling with an RV isn’t always the best choice for some. RVs are notorious for having limited space, which can be pretty challenging.
That’s EXACTLY why we’re here.
Today, we’ll list down different RV storage ideas to help you manage your things on the road! Our RV hacks will get you packing in no time.
The Start of a New Adventure: Preparing Your RV for the Road (4 CRUCIAL Steps to Save Space)
By now, we’re sure you’re excited to hit the road and brave through your adventure. You’ve got everything packed and ready to go! But before you do, there are a few essential preparations you need to do.
As much as possible, we want you to feel as comfortable and at home in your RV. We don’t want you to feel constricted nor limited with your movement, considering how limited the storage space is inside.
Truly, the best way to address this problem is by organizing all your things and being nifty with your storage ideas.
We’ve got a ton of RV storage ideas we want to share with you. But before we delve into that subject, we need to get down through the basics of what we have to do.
Step 1: Make an Inventory of Everything
The only way for you to EFFICIENTLY ever organize what you have stored in your RV is if you can keep track of what you have in the first place.
Now, this may seem like such a laborious task. But trust us, it will do you wonders later on.
List all your food supplies, clothes, power charging essentials, and more. Creating an inventory will help you identify all the items you have and all the essentials you might have missed.
Step 2: Say Good-Bye to the Unnecessaries
Being on the road most of the time, you probably have this notion you need to bring extras for everything. Food, clothes, medicine, plates, just to name a few.
There’s generally nothing wrong with this idea, especially if you want to play it safe. However, too much of everything can significantly reduce the amount of storage space you have left to deal with.
Now that you’ve got your inventory on hand, it’s time to identify which of those items you can keep and those you have to say goodbye to.
Do you have 20 plates stored, but there’s only two of you? Do you have a month’s worth of clothes for a trip that’ll only last a week?
Whatever it is that you don’t need, TAKE. IT. OUT.
Step 3: Plan Out Your Storage
Once you’ve only got the essentials left, it’s time you start thinking about where you want to place them. You can’t just leave them lying around anywhere. That’d be a disaster, and it’ll just leave a big mess!
Not to mention, you’ll always find yourself confused with where you placed certain types of items in your RV.
Stay on top of this problem and designate places where you want to place certain items.
For example, you can put all your food, plates, utensils, etc., on the kitchen counters. For your toiletries, you can place them under your kitchen sink.
There’s a lot of storage places in your RV that you just have to utilize!
Step 4: Start Cleaning
It’s always better to start with a blank and clean canvas when dealing with an RV organization. You can see and appreciate your space a lot better, and you have a better idea of setting your goal.
The final act before we start with your RV storage solutions is to start cleaning. Clean up that dirt stain on the floor, wipe away all the crumbs on the counter space, and change the bedsheet of your bed.
You can clean your RV however you want and whenever you want! Whatever works for you.
RV Storage Solutions: Need to Know Storage Ideas for Your Home Away from Home
Now that you’ve got your RV all prepped and ready to go, it’s time we move to the meat of our discussion today: Different RV storage ideas for a functional living space on the road.
We’ll be as comprehensive as possible and make sure you find storage ideas for each part of your RV.
Whether it’s for your kitchen, bedroom cabinet, bathroom, we’ve got different RV organization accessories for you to check out.
RV Living Room Organization Ideas: Maximizing Your Small Space
The first space in your RV that will welcome you and your guest is your living room. Although space tends to be a bit limited, it nevertheless feels cozy and homey.
Good enough to be your living room on the road!
Through time, however, your living room starts to feel a bit packed. What was once an empty living room space is now filled with different things lying around everywhere. You can hardly fit your desk lamp anymore.
- What happened to the wall space that was just a few months ago?
- Where do your remote controls suddenly go?
- Did you suddenly find yourself in a war zone of your mess?
If you answered yes, find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Many RV owners find themselves in the same situation, unable to look at where the problem started.
But one thing’s for sure, you can get out of this mess with the right RV organization accessories for your living room.
You’ll have a welcoming and homey living room space in no time!
1. Use Command Hooks for Your Trinkets and Keys! Even Bathroom Storage!
A typical scenario that occurs when you enter your RV right after a day of adventure is: you drop your keys, sunglasses, and other trinkets on the table.
There’s generally nothing wrong with this, and it’s become common practice for all of us. Unfortunately, however, leaving your trinkets lying around just like that leaves such a massive clutter on your counter or shelf space.
Instead of having that space free of clutter for other uses, you utilized it instead for your trinkets. That’s such a waste of space!
To avoid this problem, we recommend sticking command hooks in your RV’s living room. You can call this area your “Quick Drop Zone!” A command hook is essentially a hook, which you can stick on walls with ease like in the photo shown below:
You don’t even have to worry about them leaving a mark on your RV walls!
You can stick several command hooks on your quick drop zone. You can put one for your keys, shades, and more!
And the next time you’re heading out, all you have to do is take your things out from the command hooks and go! Convenient!
That’s not all! You aren’t just limited to keys and slings! THINK: Kitchen supplies and even bathroom essentials!
2. Welcome to the Velcro Hack of the 21st Century!
When you think of velcro, you probably associate it with clothes. And we can’t blame you, considering it’s essentially where you find it most of the time.
But you can level up the use of velcro by sticking them to your remote control! It’s a smart way to save space and make sure you don’t ever misplace them in your RV anymore.
If you’ve got various entertaining systems in your RV, like a TV or a sound system, sticking velcro on the remote and onto your entertaining system would be helpful.
You could stick one end to your RV shelves and the other to your remotes! Been dying to hang those camper curtains for great sleep even during the day? USE VELCRO!
3. Hide Your Cords and Keep Your RV’s Space Neat
Have you ever got caught or entangled with your cords? It’s such a frustrating and infuriating thing to deal with. Not to mention, they stick out like a sore thumb in a small space.
With the help of cord organizers, you can now hide your cords away from plain sight.
Although this might not necessarily be an RV storage idea, it nevertheless helps with keeping the insides of your RV tidy and neat.
4. Cheap and Simple: Get an Ottoman
It’s no secret that RV’s can only seat a few people at a time. And if you do decide to host people outside, you need to bring extra seats on your journey.
Sometimes, the extra seats you bring tend to be bulky. It can take a ton of space in your RV closets, which isn’t an ideal thing to do.
One of the best RV organization and storage ideas we recommend is an Ottoman. There’s a number out there you can fold and tuck away when you’re not using it.
Plus, Ottomans make great storage bins! Not only do you increase the seating capacity of your RV, but you can use them to store all your little trinkets.
Apart from storage and practical reasons, use the Ottoman to double as a foot rest!
Doesn’t that look stunning?
RV Kitchen Storage Ideas: Cook like a Chef in Your RV
If you love cooking, then you’re most likely aware of how incredibly frustrating it feels to cook in an RV. There’s limited counter space to work with, and preparing takes such a long time and hassle!
Not to mention, the cabinets of RV kitchens aren’t the most spacious cabinets out there.
But with a few modifications here and there, and with some integration of storage ideas, you can SAVE SPACE in your kitchen.
Food prepping and cooking will feel like a breeze. You won’t have to dread cooking in an RV anymore.
1. Invest in Good Plate Organizers
If you’ve got a ton of plates in your storage headboard, there’s probably not enough space left for other things. This is especially true if you’ve got them stacked on top of another.
Admittedly, this is a common way most people would stack their plates on their RV pantry. There’s nothing wrong with it, but using plate organizers SAVE A BUNCH in terms of space-saving.
Don’t underestimate these inexpensive space savers!
You can use vertical plate organizers, which maximize vertical space. You can neatly store your plates beside each other and leave extra space on the sides.
Now if that doesn’t match your aesthetic style or vibe, you’ll have to break out a little more cash for something as cozy-looking as a proper storage organizer for your bowls, cups, and plates!
2. Paper Plate Dispenser
If you’re tired of bringing typical plates and washing them right after, why not use paper plates? You don’t have to store them in your storage pods, and you can use the space for other things.
That’s where this paper plate dispenser comes in!
You can use a paper plate dispenser to hold your paper plates, and you’re all set! Stick it on your RV kitchen cabinets, fill it with paper plates, and eat!
The best part? Worry less about keeping breakables in your RV!
3. DIY Dangling Jars
If you’ve got a lot of food items you want to bring, don’t just store them in your RV refrigerator or shelves. Use hanging containers!
A dangling jar is a great way to stock up on things without you taking up a ton of space in your RV. This space-saving hack is so simple and easy to do. Sounds scary?
Just make sure you screw in those bolts tightly!
If you want to level up the vibe of your kitchen space, metal containers are an excellent idea! They look so sleek and modern.
Using hanging plastic containers is also a good idea. They’re relatively more affordable, while at the same time reliable.
You’ll love how this RV space-saving hack will turn out. Here’s how to do it in a 3-step guide!
4. Magnetic Spice Racks
Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean you can’t impress your friends with your spice rack! Y0u can bring the spice in your RV with the help of magnetic spice jars.
This RV space-saving hack isn’t entirely new. Many people out there use magnetic spice racks at home to keep their counter space clear. The same idea goes for your RV pantry!
You can stick a magnetic strip on your spice rack and place them on your RV wall. Simple! This easy-to-do storage solution will surely impress your friends.
As a tip, we recommend placing your spice jars on your kitchen wall. You can have easy access anytime!
But, if you want to tuck them away from plain view neatly, you can stick them behind your kitchen’s cabinet doors.
5. Paper Towel Holder
Paper towels are so essential when you’re on the road. Accidentally spilled water on the floor? Paper towel! Need to dry your hands? Paper towel!
But even the simplest of things, such as a paper towel, can take away previous storage space.
Instead of placing them on top of your counter, or shoving them in your cabinets, use a paper towel holder! Or what most call a paper roll rod!
It’s one of the best organization ideas you can find out there for someone who’s always on the go!
6. Door Mounted RV Trash Bin
Trash bins can take up a lot of storage space under your kitchen sink. They’re just so bulky, you probably think you’re better off without them.
Well, as much as you’d like to get rid of your trash bins, you can’t. Without them, where and how on earth will you be able to get rid of your trash?
With the help of door-mounted trash bins, you’ve got more storage space and a trash bin at the same time.
All you have to do is hang them on the back of a cabinet door, and you’re done! You’ve got yourself an RV trash bin that saves space.
RV Cabinets and Shelves: Getting the Most Out of Your Storage Compartments
Your RV probably has a lot of shelves and cabinets. But despite this, you’re still running out of available space to work with!
Your RV cupboards, shelves, and racks are packed to the brim, you can hardly store things in them anymore.
We’re here to help you out! There’s still so much more you can place inside your RV’s storage! All you need is a few RV space-saving ideas to put your favorite RV storage to full use.
1. Grab Those Sliding Baskets or Hanging Baskets
Sliding baskets are a great RV organization device you can use on your bathroom cabinet and kitchen drawers.
This especially comes in handy for hard-to-reach storage areas, making them now more accessible!
It’s an easy storage solution we’re sure you’ll enjoy! Not only can you store a lot, but you can organize your things better!
You can also invest in durable hanging baskets. They make excellent RV wall accents, and at the same time, storage containers!
You can choose what you want to put on your storage cubes and maximize your whole RV space!
2. Use an Under-Cabinet Tray or Sink Rack
Not a lot of people enjoy using their RV’s under cabinets.
It’s just hard to reach because you have to bend down and get to the far corners of your cabinet. As a result, some would throw their least used items down there with no thought.
Save yourself from this dilemma and use an under-cabinet tray! You can install them directly right under the ceiling of your cabinet, so you’ll be able to reach them immediately.
With this RV space-saving tip, you can utilize all the space on your under-cabinet and not just the ones on the floor.
3. Install a Hanging Shelf
Another one of the best RV organization tips you can find out there is to install hanging shelves. You’re essentially adding more shelves to your RV space so that you can pack more things!
It’s a great way to store towels, extra clothes, or even mittens!
Whenever you plan to do this, just make sure your shelves are secure. You don’t want your things falling over with a minor bump.
RV Bathroom: Bathing in Comfort and Convenience
Your RV bathroom is your sacred place on the road. You can relax, take a nice shower, and unwind after a tiring day.
But this wouldn’t be possible if your RV bathroom is a mess! Your bathroom supplies are everywhere, you can hardly find anything you need on your under-shelf baskets, and there’s just overall mess and clutter around you!
So much for a quiet and sacred time by yourself.
With the right RV organization ideas, you can save space in an instant! Who said RV bathrooms had to be a disaster?
1. Stick Suction Cup Hooks or Handles on the Back of Your Bathroom Door
The back of your bathroom door is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. It’s essentially a blank canvas that has so much potential!
A great way to utilize your bathroom door is by placing hooks or handles on them. Doing this will give you a place where you can hang your robes and towel!
Instead of leaving your robe and towel on your bathroom’s counter space, hang them behind your bathroom door!
Now you have bathroom door storage!
2. Have a Swing-out Towel Rack Ready
Having more than four people living in one RV can be inconvenient, considering how limited space is. Just imagine the chaos that can take place inside an RV shower.
Towels are everywhere, and there’s barely any safe place for you to hang yours.
If there’s one thing out there that can help you, it’s a swing-out towel rack. It can hold multiple towels at a time, perfect for a whole family!
All you have to do is screw it on your RV bathroom wall, and you’re done! You’ve got a fantastic towel holder that won’t get in the way.
3. Stick on a Shampoo and Conditioner Dispenser
Are you tired of bringing bulky bottles of shampoo and conditioners and boxes of soap? They can take up a lot of space, and they always fall on the floor whenever you accidentally hit them.
Consider using a dispenser! There’s a ton of dispensers out there where you can store shampoo, conditioner, and body soap, in one!
All you have to do is install the dispenser on your shower wall, and it’s ready to use!
Fill them out with your favorite shampoo and conditioner, and have a nice bath. Those bulky bottles won’t find their place inside your RV bathroom anymore!
RV Bedroom: Building Your Sanctuary
At the end of a tiring RV trip, don’t you just want to lay down and have a good rest in your bedroom? We’re sure you do!
And you probably don’t want to spend a good 30 minutes of your time just trying to get rid of all the clutter on your bunk bed. You just want to rest.
But sometimes, you really can’t help but fix your bed each time you sleep. You need to get rid of the clothes you’ve piled on top because you don’t have enough space for them in the cabinet.
1. Install Hanging Organizers
If you’ve got a closet in your RV, consider yourself lucky. You’ve got a place where you can hang your clothes!
But even with a closet, it often doesn’t feel enough. With the different number of clothing you have, how on earth will you fit them inside?
Hanging organizers always come out as one of the best organization ideas out there. Simply hang them in your closet, like you would, with a jacket or a dress!
The best part about hanging organizers is the tiny compartments on them. You can place your socks, underwear, and accessories in them.
If you’ve got limited closet space in your RV bedroom, hanging organizers are a great space-saving idea. You can even hang them behind your bedroom door or your window curtains!
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Use Plastic Bins
Plastic bins are probably the last on your mind when you think of RV organization accessories. They just don’t look right, nor do they match your aesthetic!
But did you know they’re one of the best space-saving ideas you can find out there? They’re highly functional and make an easy storage solution!
All you have to do is get past its look, and you’ll be fine. You can stack the tray on top of each other and sort out your garments!
Once you’ve got all your clothes sorted, keep them inside your closet or under your bed. Easy right?
Now you don’t have to stick to transparent storage boxes! You can always choose different styles and find a ton online!
3. Maximize Your Headboard
The headboard of your bunk beds is one big space you can utilize to your advantage. It’s big and bare, and it’s just waiting for you to do something with it. Some people hang paintings, while some leave their wall blank.
If you don’t plan to put anything on your headboard, consider transforming them into one ample functional space.
You can set it up to become an extra storage space! You can install a hanging shelf or hanging basket for extra storage!
You can install practically anything that can give you extra storage! Here’s a DIY tutorial of how it’s done!
4. KonMari Your Clothes!
The best organization ideas out there don’t have to be challenging to follow, nor would it require you to buy something.
For example, folding your clothes the right way is one of the most undervalued space-saving ideas you can try out!
A lot of people overlook the power of having neatly folded clothes. It can free up so much space in your closet, and all you have to do is fold them properly.
It’s free, and you’ll hardly have to do anything! Want to learn the secret to folding clothes? Watch this KonMari video. Tank tops, shirts, pants, and even long-sleeved shirts! It’s all here!
Today, we named a ton of storage solutions you can incorporate into your RV. These RV hacks will surely make you’re traveling a lot more comfortable and with style!
We hope you enjoyed this list of inexpensive and practical RV hacks! Take it one step at a time. You don’t have to do all these right now.
Simply pick two or three and watch your RV space become tidier!